Fruit2O was a complete brand and site redesign project for SunnyD soon after its acquisition. The goal was to re-establish the brand’s core identities: water, refreshment and fruit flavor in a competitive online market.
To convey the freshness of the brand, I crafted a subtle animation combining a repeatable background (in HTML) and an animation (in Flash) of a droplet of water streaming down a foggy window.
At the time, Flash did not have 3D support and Papervision3D was overly ambitious for this use case. I implemented a custom 3D engine mimicking bottles’ placement in perspective and 3D animation upon interaction. Each bottle is color coded. When selected, it orbits to the front and pushes the others back, changing the droplets background color accordingly.
The success of this project has led to the implementation and launch of its sister product line: Fruit2O Essentials.
My Responsibilities
- Assisted with user flow and interaction design
- Worked closely with a graphic designer to craft seamless animation and attain necessary assets
- Implemented Fruit2O and Fruit2O Essentials in Flash/ActionScript 3
- Launched and maintained the site
- W3: Silver Award in Consumer Goods category 2010